Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dark Worlds Released

Dark Worlds Magazine #1 is now available at Lulu.Com. It's 130 pages of unadulterated pure pulp goodness in a prestige paperback format. $13.95 for a hard copy or $4.99 for an electronic version (PDF-portable document file).

Why am I peddling Dark Worlds? Well, besides the fact that it's chock full of pulp-style tales it also happens to contain a certain story called The Investment, which is written by me.

The Investment is a space opera tale that follows the adventures and calamities of the crew of the Scavenger as they try to be the first to salvage a warp drive from a Kree spaceship abandoned on the jungle-covered planet of Arcturon VI. They get a little more than they bargain for , when bounty hunters show up and the natives begin to get restless.

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