Thursday, November 29, 2012

Guns of the Crow

Check out Josh Reynold's Royal Occultist blog for an essay on Native American gunfighter, occult investigator, and mystical poet Lone Crow.  Also listed is a complete bibliography of the nine published stories featuring Lone Crow.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Old Mother Hennessy

The Gunslingers and Ghost Stories collection from Sci-Fi Trails is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble in Kindle and Ebook formats for just $3.55.  Inside, you'll find a number of ghostly tails from the Weird West, including Old Mother Hennessy--a story, written by me, about infamous Native American gunfighter Lone Crow and his erstwhile companion-in-arms Six-Gun Susannah Johnson, the fastest (though perhaps not the most accurate) gun in the West. While running down some bounties they get caught between the vengeful dead and the murderous Hennessy Brothers who aim on adding Crow and Johnson to their graveyard of victims.