Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Swords Against Merlin!

The brother knights Balin and Balan of North Umberland are only given a handful of pages in Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur. Now, they are given their due and their bravery and deeds are brought to light in the pages of The Island of Lost Souls. Seeking justice for the murders of their parents, Balin and Balan run afoul of Merlin's malign plots and the treachery of King Arthur. First they are used and deceived, torn from the women they love, but when they discover the truth they turn their might and their swords against the deception and illusion of the shining Kingdom of Camelot.

Grab a copy of my latest novel ($13.95 for hard copy or just $2.99 for digital download) at Amazon, Barnes and Noble or direct from PulpWork Press (hard copy only) at a 20% discount if you punch in the semi-secret code of 5YRZ6A8W.  

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