Friday, August 3, 2012

I Accidentally Wrote a Novel

I've been working on this novel for the last five months, so you might wonder just how I "accidentally" wrote The Gantlet Brothers: Sold Out.  The truth is a mighty amount of time and effort went into putting those 93,000 words down, however when I first sat down to write the tale I was intending to write a short story.

However, I did not stick to my Two-Step Formula for Constructing Short Stories.  Instead I approached Sold Out with just one pivotal scene in mind: I asked myself what would happen if one of the Gantlet Brothers was brutally murdered on stage during their rock concert.  Then I let the rest of the story unravel in front of me. One full-length novel later I know the answer.

Before I attack my next large project I plan to do three or four short stories for various anthologies.  This time I'll actually keep my short stories short.

Sold Out should see print in 2013.  The two Gantlet Brother novels that are currently in print are The Nuclear Suitcase and The Gantlet Brothers Greatest Hits. You can find them at, and at

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