Saturday, June 16, 2012

Four Rounds in Vegas

Hmmm, I just wrote a Gantlet Brothers story where no one gets killed. How did that happen?

Well, there is plenty of fisticuffs, underhandedness, and perversity. The story does place in Vegas, after all. And despite what they want you to believe, any sins committed in Vegas will catch up to you sooner or later. 

This short story includes a marriage proposal, a locker room beat down, a couple rounds in the ring, a bevy of beautiful ring girls, the biggest and baddest bodyguard Blake Hawkins, and oh yeah...Matthias Gantlet takes on the Heavyweight Champion of the world.

Where can you read it? Probably it will be included in the upcoming collection The Weird Worlds of Joel Jenkins.  However, I also may choose to run it for absolutely free in a serialized format that will rotate between the blogs of myself, and the prolific purveyors of pulp pandemonium Josh Reynolds and Derrick Ferguson.

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