Saturday, February 9, 2008

To Blog or Not to Blog

That is the question...

The existence of this blog seems to indicate to which conclusion I have come. However, it is not a conclusion I come to without reservations.

The upsides of a blog are that I'm able to keep contact with friends and readers (and if you are one of my readers then there's a good chance I consider you a friend) and keep them apprised of my latest writing projects, make myself available to answer questions, and as a forum to spew out a few random thoughts here and there.

The downside of a blog is a large one for a writer who has limited time to write: Any time that a writer spends writing a blog is time that writer is not using to work on their latest short story or novel.

The solution? To limit my blog posts to once or twice a week. So I'm going to give it a shot and see how it goes. As always, I am open to revising my plan or opinion after further deliberation--but in the meantime please bookmark this page, put it on a feed, and feel free to drop by once a week and say hello.

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