My first professionally published piece of fiction was a novella called Black Circle Storm which saw print as the cover story of the short-lived Adventure Mystery Magazine by Hidalgo Press. Pulp fiction fans might recognize Hidalgo as the company name inscribed on Doc Savage's warehouse where he kept various planes and gyrocopters stashed, and indeed, Mark Lambert, the editor of Adventure Mystery Magazine, is fan enough of Doc Savage to have written a book about Lester Dent, the author of the Doc Savage stories.
The description of Black Circle Storm taken from inside the magazine is as follows:
Michael and Candice Thunder travel Down-Under for the auto race of their lives, which turns into a race for their lives! Racing action, political intrigue, and a villain with incredible power. What is the Black Circle and why does it want the Thunders dead?
I like to think that Black Circle Storm still holds up as a pretty decent yarn and I've got a sequel novella that hasn't yet seen print--maybe sometime in the future it would be nice to see these both published together.
In the meantime, where would one look for a copy of Adventure Mystery Magazine? I'm not so sure... Amazon has one copy listed for $40.00. There's bound to be a few others circulating, but I'm not sure where.
1 comment:
Ooh! I better dig up my copy for eBay... er, never mind :P
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