Friday, March 30, 2012

Long Term Works in Progress

I was thinking the other day about projects that I have partially completed and projects I have plans to write and came up with this list of collections and novels that are on my slate of things to write and edit. Long time readers may recognize or have read stories featuring some of these characters.

1)Immortals of the Dire Planet
2)Abominations of the Dire Planet
3)Strommand Greatrix novel (airships, swordplay, and genocide on the planet of Carparath)
4) One Foot in My Grave: the autobiography of risk-taker September Peterson and his battles with cystic fibrosis and life.
5) The Samuel T. Ogden Zombies and Skateboards collection
6) Midnight Avengers: The Eel and Adder collection
7) The Gantlet Brothers: Sold Out
8) Lone Crow: Gunmen of the Hollow Earth novel
9) Lone Crow collection
10) Weird Worlds of Joel Jenkins (short story and novella collection)
11) Barclay Salvage (the interplanetary adventures of Aaron Barclay and his intrepid crew of salvagers)
12) Dogs and Sorcerers (Tales from the City of Bathos book 3)
13) The Fiends of Necropolis (Damon St. Cloud)
14) Damage Inc. Collection
15) Monica Killingsworth Collection
16) Jack Scarlet werewolf collection (This guy gets around. He appears in an upcoming Lone Crow story as well as Fiends of Necropolis)
17) Michael and Candice Thunder collection (racecars and the supernatural in a post-apocalyptic world)
18) In the Belly of the Behemoth (Shadrak and Asher)
19) Temple Houston Collection: Guns Against Temple

I've got written material for all but two of these projects. One is complete except for editing, some are twenty thousand words from completion and others still need 70,000 or so words. The book titles are subject to change and this list is by no means drafted in the order I will be tackling these projects. Also, I tend to get side-tracked when new ideas rear their head, so its possible that this list will be expanding.

However, what I realized is that at my current rate of two collections and/or novels a year that it will take quite some time to get all these done. I guess I know what I'll be doing for the next nine years.


Josh Reynolds said...

Joel, that is indeed a mighty load of works, and I look forward to reading each and every one of them!

Unknown said...

Thanks, Josh. I'm looking forward to putting these together. It will be a fun nine years.

Jarrak said...

Nothing like having a long term plan, I know my podcast has a schedule for the next 10 seasons (maybe 8 years worth of shows).
Oh, really enjoyed Lost Tribes:)

Unknown said...

Hi Mike,

You plowed through Lost Tribes fast. I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

It takes a lot of temerity to plan that far ahead, but big things aren't accomplished by the timid or short-sighted. May I ask what podcast you're running?

Jarrak said...

It's called The Gatecast, we do a sort of commentary/mst3k for each episode of the show and with SG1, SGA and SGU that's a lot of episodes:)

Yes Lost Tribes picking up from where we left everyone in Strange Gods had me pretty much cursing your name and then cursing you again and again (in a productive way). A real twisting and turning adventure perhaps more so than any of the other books in the series.

Unknown said...


I had no idea that the Stargate shows were so rife for mocking. Still, you must have a real love for the show to devote so much time to it.

Well, I'm glad you were cursing me in a good way! Though there were a few loose ends at the conclusion, I hope I wrapped things up satisfactorily for you. It was certainly more conclusive than the end of Strange Gods.

Derrick Ferguson said...

September Peterson! Boy does that name take me way back!