January my space opera novella The Artificial Woman starring the crew of Barclay Salvage appeared in Startling Adventures #2. (Still available for just $6.66 at Amazon)
In February I nabbed a Pulp Ark 'Best Author' nomination. Alas, another worthy writer, Barry Reese, took the final honors when the winner was announced in May.
In July I had two weird west tales featuring Native American gunman Lone Crow published: The Lost Vale and Gunmen of the Hollow Earth in How the West was Weird 2 and in How the West was Weird: Campfire Tales, respectively.
$14.99 for a hard copy and $3.99 for a digital download at Amazon.
Campfire Tales is available as a 99 cent digital download at Smashwords.
In July Lone Crow, Porter Rockwell, and a doughty fellow that goes by the name of Josh Reynolds appeared in The Shadow Walkers which was published in Showdown at Midnight. (Hard copy for $15.99 or Kindle download for $4.95)
Also in July came Strange Gods of the Dire Planet, the fourth novel detailing the adventures of displaced American astronaut Garvey Dire. ($12.95 at the PulpWork Press store or $3.99 kindle format)
A couple of days later Dark Worlds summer issue came out, carrying a short story entitled The Remnant Band--a fantasy tale set in the city of Bathos where my previous novels Escape from Devil's Head and Through the Groaning Earth take place. (Dark Worlds is available in hard copy format for $14.59, or you may want to pick up the bargain digital download for $4.99)
Things slowed down until November when The Gantlet Brothers Greatest Hits came down like a ton of heavy metal. (Available in Epub and Kindle formats for just $2.99 or in hard copy for $11.95).
Then to round out the year The Christmas Eve Killers was released in the PulpWork Christmas Special 2011. For a few more days this is available as a free download. Get it before the Christmas spirit evaporates and PulpWork posts it for actual hard-earned money for Nook and Kindle.
Phew...that was exhausting! On an upcoming post I'll share a couple of things that are coming down the pike for 2012.
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