Monday, June 6, 2011

The Lost Vale Character Roster

It's been pointed out that The Lost Vale, my short weird west tale that is included in the upcoming How the West was Weird Two anthology, has a fairly extensive character roster for a short story.  I thought it might be interesting to gather photos of the cast so it would be a simple matter to keep the players straight.

The Good Guys: (top to bottom) Asuncion Ramirez, Doc Holliday, Lone Crow, Morgan Earp, Warren Earp

The bad guys: (top to bottom) Butch Cassidy, Jorje and Javier, Kid Curry, the Sundance Kid, The Tall Texan, William 'News' Carvey.

Granted, this cast is winnowed down considerably for the follow up tale, Gunmen of the Hollow Earth, which can be found in How the West was Weird: Campfire Tales.  How do you get a copy of these stories? Just pre-order How the West was Weird Two and you get free shipping and a free PDF of Campfire Tales.  Pre-order your copy here:

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