Some of you may be familiar with the Lester Dent penned Doc Savage series of pulp novels that were churned out in the 1930's and 1940's under the pseudonym of Kenneth Robeson. Doc Savage was the original super man, and undoubtedly the inspiration for the Superman of DC Comics fame (both have a Fortress of Solitude for example). Savage was a brilliant scientist, inventor, surgeon and physically superior human being with iron discipline.
Doc Savage also served as the inspiration for my Max Damage character when I asked myself the question: "What if Doc Savage had a balancing flaw for every superior physical characteristic?". I'll be exploring this further in 2010 when The Sea Witch, a full length Damage Inc novel is released by Pulpwork Press.
When the Doc Savage novels were re-released in the 1970's they had a number of beautiful covers which were largely painted by James Bama and Bob Larkin. Since then, some clever people have made some fantastic covers for Doc Savage novels that never quite existed. Here's one to help get you into the Christmas spirit.
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