This is a snapshot of my band taken after we played at SteveStock. We've gone through a couple of name changes--primarily because names we thought of turned out to have been used already by existing bands.
Recently my bandmates have suggested using one of my book titles as a band name, and since I'm not about to sue myself over copyright infringement I agreed to this. At the moment we're torn between Dire Planet and Nuclear Suitcase.
Any thoughts?
Speaking of The Nuclear Suitcase, the novel, the proof copy is now undergoing intense editorial scrutiny. It could possibly see release in August, but don't hold me to it...
Band Photo clockwise from left standing: Micah Defreese (Guitar), Raj Punjabi (drums), Joel Jenkins (lead vocals & guitar), Eric Cooper (bass guitar)
Nuclear Suitcase gets my vote :D
Nuclear Suitcase!
And didn't the band Michael Moorcock played with in the 60s and 70's name themselves after one of his books?
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