Governor Schwarzenegger, what is best in life?
Governor Schwarzenegger: To cut unnecessary government programs, to see the liberal spenders driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women!
Following Gray Davis' disastrous governorship of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger took over and hopes were high that he could turn the state government around. Though markedly better than Davis, mostly, Schwarzenegger has proven to be a mediocre governor--more reactive than proactive. Now, about four years after Gray Davis was ousted from his position (only the second governor in the history of the United States to be recalled) Schwarzenegger finds himself in a similar predicament to his predecessor: too much money going out and not enough coming in.
Finally, Schwarzenegger has decided to get serious and make some big spending cuts. If I were one of the grinning fools sitting at the table nearby, I wouldn't get too close in the case that the Governor decides to wipe their smirks away with a few well-aimed chops of his sword.
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