I was perusing a posting about the Green Star series of books by Lin Carter on the Dark Worlds blog the other day, and was pleasantly surprised to find a mention of my Dire Planet series.
I might not have been too pleased had it been in a negative context, but since it was quite positive I thought I'd share the link.
GW Thomas, the author of the posting lumps both the Green Star and Dire Planet series of novels into what he considers Burroughs ' inspired stories--and I'm going to have to agree with him on Dire Planet. When I set out writing it I was trying to recapture that sense of adventure and wonderment that I felt when I first read Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter Warlord of Mars books.
The Dire Planet books can be picked up at Amazon.com, PulpworkPress.com, and in various digital formats at Fictionwise.com.
1 comment:
You gotta say one thing about Lin Carter: he made no secret of the fact he was highly derivative of REH and ERB and had no other ambition to follow in their footsteps as closely as possible. I've read his THONGOR stories and he wrote a Doc Savage influenced series about a character named Zarkon. But it was his FLASHING SWORDS! anthology and a critical study/history of the fantasy genre called IMAGINARY WORLDS I enjoyed the most.
I just looked him up in Wikipedia and was honestly surprised to learn he died way back in 1988. I had assumed he either retired or just stopped writing.
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