It was a great time and we all got lots of sun and sand. I did some waterskiing and kyaking and spent time with the family. However, I have a sickness that whenever I go on vacation I view this as "a great time to get some reading and writing done."
As it always turns out, my anticipated free time is nowhere near enough to get done what I had hoped. I got almost no reading accomplished (sorry Tour of Darkness and Necropolis I'll have to read you later), but thanks to the Alphasmart (check out my last post) I did manage to bang out about 4,000 words of Through the Groaning Earth (the sequel to Escape from Devil's Head) on beach and by swimming pool.
Aren't you running Tour of Darkness this next weekend?
...I'm not completely ready for the gaming weekend either.
I was already half way through it before the vacation--and have managed to finish it since then.
I've also done a fair amount of reading on the Necropolis campaign.
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