Thursday, August 25, 2011

All Pulp Reviews Exiles of the Dire Planet

All Pulp has posted a review of my novel, Exiles of the Dire Planet.  Read the review at All Pulp and/or pick up a copy at  Electronic versions are available at Barnes and Noble (Also, I notice that they've got the hard copy of Strange Gods of the Dire Planet for sale at just $9.32 at the moment!) and Amazon.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Strange Gods of the Book Cave

Book Cave hosts Ric Croxton and Art Sippo interviewed me about Strange Gods of the Dire Planet (with a few tangents and digressions) for the 138th episode of the Book Cave.  Listen to the PODcast here.

Until the 10th of August you can get a 20% discount on Strange Gods by punching in the code ZUEEWBQV when purchasing the book at the PulpWork Press website.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Joel Jenkins gets Pulped!

I did a PODcast interview with the folks at Pulped!  Here's the announcement below:
It's another release day episode as Derrick Ferguson and Tommy Hancock talk with Joel Jenkins,  author of STRANGE GODS OF THE DIRE PLANET available today! Tune into hear what swords, women warriors, time travel, and Mars have to do with Joel predicting the Kindle before it existed!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Strange Gods Discount

As of today the fourth book of the Dire Planet series, Strange Gods of the Dire Planet is released.  In conjunction with the Pulped! and Book Cave Podcasts, Pulpwork Press is continuing its pre-order sale and until August 10th anyone ordering a copy can get a 20% discount by punching in the discount code of ZUEEWBQV before completing the order.  This discount is only available if you order the book through the Pulp Work Press website.