Welcome to Diablo Canyon, Arizona. Two hundred and fifty-five feet deep and blistering hot. During the summer of 1881 the Pacific and Atlantic Railroads ran out of financing and the rail crews holed up at Two Gun, a small town about 2 1/2 miles away, waiting for work to resume.
Two Gun was a shack town with two lines of buildings facing each other on the way to the yellow-painted depot, and it was full of too many people with too much time on their hands. Murder was a regular occurrence, and newcomers were frequently mugged and robbed for everything that they owned.
Eventually work resumed on the rail and the fantastic trestle that you see above was constructed. However, there were sinister forces working behind the completion of this railroad, which was in fact a conduit formed along mystical ley lines to gather dark energies.

How Lone Crow, renowned Native American gunslinger and erstwhile investigator for Miskatonic University, stumbled into this conspiracy is told in the pages of the
Pulpwork Press How the West was Weird anthology--more specifically in
Wyrm Over Diablo.
You'll also find some other interesting tales of the wild, weird west which your teacher didn't dare tell you about when you were in school.