Editor, Ron Fortier, of Airship 27 has asked me to contribute a story for an anthology of Jim Anthony, Super Detective stories. They have already released one anthology, and are planning a second and even a third anthology.

He's obviously modeled after Doc Savage to some extent--though the writing of the original stories tends toward the mediocre and there were some different editorial approaches toward Jim Anthony (see the Somebody Dies blog for a review of a pair of the original tales). One approach was to make Jim Anthony very much a superman in the tradition of the Doc Savage tales. The other approach was to make Jim Anthony a hard-boiled style of detective.
In writing my Jim Anthony tale, entitled The Scream Hammer, I opted for a mix of the two. Jim Anthony is both a man of amazing abilities and a fallible human being.
As always, I'll provide you more information about my Jim Anthony project as it comes closer to fruition. In the meantime, the best way to get familiar with Jim Anthony is to pick up a copy of the Airship 27 anthology.